Monday, November 29, 2010

Pennsylvania Rep tells the truth!

I can't believe it! Telling the truth and not being wacky-tastic got me here. Can this all be really happening just because I love Charmin? IT IS! Woohoo!

So here is the story that is fit to print. My husband says I'm an "Over sharer" meaning, I am overly honest about myself and perhaps people don't want to know all that, you know? But this time, yep, they do!

So here is how it all went down:

I had to answer 3 questions regarding Charmin.

1. Why should I be a Charmin "Go Nation" Representative
2. What does the phrase "Enjoy the Go" mean to me?
3. How would I represent the Charmin Go Nation for my state, if chosen.

I looked around the room and noticed people with guitars, toilet paper rolls in their hands and dancing... it was nutty. I thought to myself, "I better come up with something wacky and fast!" but then I took a beat, I use Charmin. I've used Charmin for as long as I can remember... why is that? Well, when I was younger, I had a lot of problems, allergic problems with my skin. My skin is over sensitive, to this day. My Mother, was taking me to doctors, trying to figure out what to do and then, in 1986, my life changed. Charmin unscented came on the market that year and my allergic reactions stopped. Charmin, literally, changed my life! I decided to just go in and tell them the truth.

I told them my story. I told them, "Enjoy the go" means to me I can do just that, enjoy the go, that I never have to worry about pain or health consequences when I use Charmin Unscented. I should represent Charmin for the state of PA because I'm super fun and wacky and funny, but most of all, I just wanted to thank them, for changing my life. I got a little choked up and then said a sincere, "Thank You Charmin". It was all so strange. It's certainly not a story I'd ever told anyone. I mean, who wants to talk about something like that?

I figured out, I've been using Charmin for over 24 years. How crazy is that? All through college and even now, Charmin, just Charmin. NEVER anything else. How crazy. I love the stuff! Woohoo!

Weeks went by, and then, I got a call from New York. I got picked to represent the state of Pennsylvania for the Charmin Go Nation and I will do so proudly!

So now I need your help Pennsylvania. I need pictures of amazingly, fantastical, unique, candy woohoo hooray awesome bathrooms in P.A. and I need peeps from P.A. to "like" Charmin's Facebook page

I can't wait to see how all this plays out and I thank you Pennsylvania Charmin Nation! Enjoy the Go kittens! Meow!

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