Monday, November 29, 2010


Hey All!

My name is Tina and I'm representing KANSAS in the Charmin Go Nation Contest. I'm so excited about this unique and fun opportunity to represent my home state in the competition...I almost don't know where to begin! For all of you who are unfamiliar with this contest, Charmin did a nation wide search to find candidates who best embodied the "Enjoy the Go" spirit. After all... we all GO! For me, growing up in Kansas with my family, and now in this difficult economy, sometimes you find that one thing can have many uses...such as Charmin! So Enjoying the Go is really about embracing the whole bathroom experience with Charmin taking center stage, as the best bathroom accessory. It's not just for your tush anymore...Head to toe, Charmin has got you covered!

Low and behold this is a competition and there are several rounds to be won before you are crowned King or Queen of Charmin. After being selected, the representatives have until December 10th to round up all of their state wide supporters to accumulate points. For me, as Charmin Kansas, I'm asking Kansans for your support!

If you would like to help, it's really very simple:
  1. You can "Like" the Charmin "Enjoy the Go" Facebook page between now and 12/17/2010 for the Facebook Challenge.
  2. If you have an extraordinary Kansas Bathroom picture, you can submit it on Kansas' behalf for the America's Best Bathroom section of the contest for points to the overall competition.
I'll be searching for great bathrooms as well as contacting Media outlets for the Great State Media Competition portion and decorating a toilet seat full of Kansas pride for the Toilet Seats of America portion.

The top 5 representatives with the most points will then be sent to New York City at the end of the year to compete for the Grand Prize of $50,000 and be awarded the King or Queen of Charmin, who will then preside over the Charmin Bathrooms in New York City for the last few days of the year, representing their state (hopefully Kansas) the whole time!

Well folks, Keep checking back... I've got some really fun and interesting ideas and suggestions to make your Going experience Enjoyable using Charmin as the Number 1 bathroom accessory and I'd love to share them with all of you out there!

Enjoy the Go,
Tina B.
Charmin Go Nation Representative for Kansas

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