Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Heat is On, Kansas!

You got it folks, it's blistering cold in Kansas today... so the heat is ON! But, the heat is on in this competition too!

With only two days left in the Charmin Go Nation Contest, it's time for Kansans to warm up their hearts and help Kansas make it to NYC for the final round of the competition for the chance at the title "Queen of Charmin Go Nation". There are two ways you can help in a jiffy!

1. Go to Charmin's Facebook page here and hit "Like" if you live in Kansas. Easy Breezy!
2. Send in a picture of your Best Bathroom... you know that beautiful, unique, clean and up-to-date bathroom all your neighbors are talking about...yep, that's the one! You can find more information about the America's Best Bathroom Competition here.

Also, I've added some pictures of my toilet seat for your enjoyment! Pretty silly, I know... but it was a fun time decorating it, and finding a way to add a little Charmin to the seat! Who doesn't love decoupage?!

For those of you from my hometown of Atchison Ks, notice I included my best interpretation of Ameila Earhart's Lockheed Vega plane towing a banner made of Charmin!!

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