Thursday, December 30, 2010
Many Blessings!
Iris Hill
Monday, December 27, 2010
Happy Holidays
ARIZONA on Her Way to Snowy NYC!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry ARIZONA Christmas Everyone!!
Mainely Merry Christmas
Maybe under the tree will be a kiss
Hope you get all you asked for
And maybe even more
We'll be seeing you soon
We're crazy as a loon
But it got us a trip to town
Charmin's great- hands down
Thank you everyone
For all that you have done
Wishing everyone good luck
Going for the big buck
To wear the crown of Charmin
What a great honor to tell our kin
So break a leg all contestants who will be there
It's Christmas season and we all do care!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Maine Waits
We've had 3 weeks of fun
Now to stay cool and calm
Until they drop the bomb
Keep the faith you all
And we'll weather this squall
Together we will stand
Smiling hand in hand
For Charmin made us shipmates
on this sea of all time greats
Ultra soft, ultra strong and basic
We'll need it should we get seasick
Good luck to all states playing
I've loved all your sayings
I hope you've had as much fun as I
Charmin has shown me the sky
Thanks to everyone around
Soon we'll hear the sound
Of the lucky 5 states who'll go
The best will go I know
I hope I am one of them
But if not I'll still cheer 'em
Dear Charmin Go Nation....Love, Alabama:
Now that the semi-finals have ended , I can breathe and type. It has been a wild and crazy ride and I have enjoy it!!! Here's what I've been up to.........
Dear Charmin: Dec. 3, 2010
Soooooooo, my toilet seat is done. YAY!!! I had a lot of fun bringing my vision to light. After three days of drawing, painting, glueing, grouting, arranging, un-glueing, re-grouting, and rearranging MY BABY IS FINALLY OFF TO NEW YORK!!!! (Tear).
Its kind of bitter sweet. I am so proud of my toilet seat and excited to see how it does, but I miss it. I know it sounds weird that I have separation issues with a toilet seat, but its true I wanted to keep it for myself and display it in my house. I don’t think it would be very comfortable to sit on considering it is completely covered with tiny sharp pieces of glass, but I still think its amazing!
Top 10 Ten Toilet Seat:

Dear Charmin: Dec. 4, 2010
Its time to start Phase Two of the Charmin Go Nation Contest. I am planning a Toiletry Drive, called the Charmin Enjoy the Go Toiletry Drive for Dec. 11, 2010. Since there is not a lot of time I must hit the streets and get the word out.... First stop, Tuscaloosa”s Christmas Parade. (Light Bulb!!!!) I’m going to dress up like a giant roll of Toilet Tissue!!!! This is going to be so much fun! Ok, must go shopping!!!!
Dear Charmin: Dec. 5, 2010
Foam Mattress Pad...Check! White Bed sheet set.....Check! Safety Pins...Check! Needle and Thread.....Check, Check!!! I have everything I need to start making my costume!!! Now, I am off to do a radio interview to promote the Charmin ‘Enjoy the Go’ Toiletry Drive at WQZZ 96.9 with Dr. Jones.

Dear Charmin: Dec. 6, 2010
The Christmas Parade is scheduled to start at 6:30PM and my costume is falling apart. I need help and my sister is no where to be found. The foam is not staying in place and I am running out of time. think....think...think...... CHICKEN WIRE!! “DAD!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP”!!! He couldn’t find any chicken wire, but he did come to the rescue with Sprinkler system piping and duck tape!!! Costume is ready with a built in pocket to hold my cellphone. I’m ready for my debut as, TP Girl!!!! This is going to be classic!!!

Dear Charmin Dec. 7, 2010
The Christmas Parade was a blast!! People were not sure if I was a marshmallow or The Abominable Snowman, which was great because then they had to read my sign about the Toiletry Drive!! Mission accomplished. I'm headed to the Great Day Tuscaloosa Show with Kip Tyner to talk about the Toiletry Drive!! Afterwards, its back to work on the drive. Its going to be a amazing week.
Dear Charmin: Dec. 8, 2010
Everything is coming together for the event! The Mayor of Tuscaloosa is scheduled to give the welcome, Master of Ceremonies is comedian Funnymaine Johnson, we have choirs, singers, rappers, a magican, facepainting, and Santa Claus all lined up for the event!!! Y’all I am sooo excited! Well, tomorrow I am off to speak with Warrior Academy in Eutaw, AL about the importance of following your dreams and giving back to your community.
Dear Charmin: Dec. 9, 2010
What a blessing! Warrior Academy has decided to join the Charmin Go Nation movement and support the toiletry by collecting items. I truly enjoyed my time with the kids and staff. Thank you Ms. Taylor for giving me the opportunity to spread the Enjoy the Go Spirit with Warrior!!!
Dear Charmin: Dec. 10, 2010
You maybe wondering, Why host a toiletry drive? Well...I created the Charmin ‘Enjoy the Go’ Toiletry Drive as my way of spreading the Enjoy the Go spirit in Alabama. I believe that one can not thoroughly enjoy their bathroom experience if they do not have the essential toiletries. This single thought changed my entire perspective and focus during this competition. Now, it is the night before the big event and I am thrilled that everything has come together and that we will be able to help a lot of individuals enjoy their go.
Dear Charmin: Dec. 11, 2010
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the drive!

Pictured above from left to right.
PIc1: Iris Hill and Mayor Walter Maddox Pic2: Absolute, Iris Hill, and Byron (UGK Records, VP) Pic3: Iris Hill and The Noble One Pic4: InfinityPHD
Dear Charmin: Dec. 13, 2010
I did not reach my goal of collecting 3000 toiletries items so I have vowed to wear my TP Girl costume until I reach 3000!! Starting tomorrow I will stand at the corner of 15th Street and McFarland Blvd in Tuscaloosa to collect the remaining items. Wish me luck!!!
Dear Charmin: Dec. 14, 2010
Day 1: The Return of TP Girl!! My first day back in the costume was very interesting. The day started off at 7AM with temperatures around 19 degrees. Y'all, I have been close to frostbite, I am sunburned, and I am fatigued, but...... I collected more TOILETRIES!!!! so it was all worth it. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to drop off item. I’m headed out to 2 Dollar Tuesdays for a LIVE COMEDY, I repeat LIVE COMEDY show at The BrickHouse to promote the drive and to pick up some more toiletries.
Dear Charmin: Dec. 15, 2010
Day 2: The Return of TP Girl. Today after finishing up at 15th Street and McFarland I went to the University of Alabama’s Basketball game. Yes, in costume!!! It was so funny. People recognized me from the Toiletry drive or the Christmas parade and were telling me their stories of trying to guess why I was dressed up. I made the Dance Cam and showed every one how the Charmin Go Nation gets down!!! Dance Chant Please!!!......... “Go, Charmin! GO GO! Go Charmin!! I’m in a ROLL. Go Charmin! GO GO! GO Charmin”!! Now, its time to call into the Bre’ly Evans show and spread the word!!!

Dear Charmin: Dec. 16th, 2010
Day 3: The Return of TP Girl. It was so hard getting up this morning. My body is so tired. I think all that dancing last night is catching up with me, but the drive must go on. We have collected 1115 items as of Wednesday night. Time to call Mr. Jimmy Lawson at 96.9 WQZZ and let everyone know I am still here!!!
Dear Charmin: Dec 17, 2010
Day 4: The Return of TP Girl. I started the day by going to take a picture of a bathroom in Marion, AL. I don’t think I have ever worked so hard to take a picture in my life. I had to pull out and dust off the techniques I learned from my days as yearbook photographer. The day ended on a great note! After counting the toiletry booty of the day I have.... TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY THREE TOILETRIES!!!! I am going to the store to purchase the last 7 items and retire my costume. It has been a wild and crazy 3 weeks and I have seriously enjoy all of it.
Thank you Charmin Go Nation for this amazing opportunity and thank you Alabama for all of your support!!
Enjoy the Go!!!
Iris Hill
Friday, December 17, 2010
ARIZONA-I'm dreaming...

Maine's Mail
Maine Thanks You All
Happy Holidays, CHARMIN KANSAS Style!
ENJOY THE GO with CHARMIN KANSAS... and the No. 1 Bathroom Accessory, Charmin! From nose to toes to Christmas trees...Charmin's got your holiday season under wraps!
Big THANKS to all my Kansas supporters these past few weeks including; Family & Friends, my fellow Kansans, Atchison Globe, Marysville Advocate, KAIR 93.7FM, and KQTV Channel 2 St. Joseph. I couldn't have done it without ya! I hope I get the opportunity to make all of you Proud in NYC!
Enjoy the Go KANSAS!
Tina B.
Charmin Go Nation Representative for KANSAS
Thursday, December 16, 2010
ARIZONA- The Final Countdown
Never Enough in Maine
Pennsylvania the home stretch!
Happy Enjoy the Go to all the states and best of luck to you all. It's been a fun, ride. We just keep, rolling along. weeeeeee Enjoy the Go!
Meow and woohoo.
The Heat is On, Kansas!
With only two days left in the Charmin Go Nation Contest, it's time for Kansans to warm up their hearts and help Kansas make it to NYC for the final round of the competition for the chance at the title "Queen of Charmin Go Nation". There are two ways you can help in a jiffy!
1. Go to Charmin's Facebook page here and hit "Like" if you live in Kansas. Easy Breezy!
2. Send in a picture of your Best Bathroom... you know that beautiful, unique, clean and up-to-date bathroom all your neighbors are talking about...yep, that's the one! You can find more information about the America's Best Bathroom Competition here.
Also, I've added some pictures of my toilet seat for your enjoyment! Pretty silly, I know... but it was a fun time decorating it, and finding a way to add a little Charmin to the seat! Who doesn't love decoupage?!

For those of you from my hometown of Atchison Ks, notice I included my best interpretation of Ameila Earhart's Lockheed Vega plane towing a banner made of Charmin!!
MS Seat

Never uploaded the picture of my decorated toilet seat. It got in the top ten. Go Mississippi!!!
It's decorated with the MSU Logo, a magnolia flower and a mockingbird I drew in pen and glued on. Hope everyone likes.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
What a Day in Maine
For an extremely wet day in Maine it was a great day here. Rivers at flood stage,, not good. So far they are not wrecking too much havoc with traveling. Went into the city today, Bangor yup pretty minor city compared to New York.. but for us it's a step up in busy life. Had fun.. alot of fun at one stop.. then went shopping. Wow! So many shoppers this close to Christmas. I do hope you all are ready for that fun day, maybe I'll just use Charmin to wrap all my gifts this year hahaha.. Make each day fun, make each day comfortable, make each day a Charmin day!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Charmin to the rescue! Virginia saved!
this weekend i found myself going to a holiday party and was reusing a gift bag-- but -- I WAS OUT OF TISSUE PAPER!
i'm a dude so that's not really shocking- to be honest if i hadnt found the gift bag to reuse it would have been wrapped in the comics section of the newspaper-- but REJOICE-- a bag to use-- without tissue-- so what did i do???
i used Charmin to keep the wine bottle safe and to add a lil more "umph" to the look of the wrapping! thanks again for coming through Charmin!
Last Week in Maine
Pushing for Maine to get to New York!
GO MAINE GO!! Send in those bathroom pictures please.
Maine's Toilet Seat
Friday, December 10, 2010
Maine is Still Trying
Night all and remember, those bathroom pictures are still needed...keep 'um coming!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Pennsylvania's Best Bathroom, thus far...

Congratz to Arizona on winning the Toilet Seat. It is truly a lovely seat for sure!
Look at this mega bathroom. If I won, would I want a bathroom like this? lol.
Toilet Seat Minnesota
Hi Everyone. It is Puneet from the Freezer State of Minnesota. Since we are in between snowstorms getting ready for the next blizzard coming this weekend. I thought I would post the Minnesota Toilet Seat.
First off Congratulations Arizona, Great Toilet Seat!!!
For the Minnesota toilet seat I decided to take my favorite hobby sketching and draw one of my favorite places the Sculpture Gardens. The Spoon Bridge Cherry is the most notable sculpture. The artist Claes Oldenburg is best known for his ingenious oversized renditions of ordinary objects. The Sculpture Gardens is an oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle of Minneapolis.
need your help virginia!!!
Feeling sick? Cuddle up with CHARMIN KANSAS!
Do you have a unique Kansas bathroom, that's clean and with an up-to-date Kansas style?? Why not let all of the Charmin Go Nation swoon over your royal thrown! Send in some pictures, and together we can bring Kansas to NYC for a chance to share our state wide pride at the Charmin Bathrooms near Times Square. Follow this link to the details : Help Kansas win America's Best Bathroom!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Drum Roll Please ARIZONA...

Enjoy the Go- ARIZONA Style!
So Maine-y Ways
Now to get them in motion. One has started, tomorrow the word will spread, the state of Maine will hear of the great Charmin Go Nation Contest... yessarey here we go. 9 days to accomplish alot, but we will do it. Thank you one more time my friends!!
Pennsylvania My Seat is Neat!

Florida Charmin Go Nation Representative - Cristy S.
I am so grateful and excited to be the Florida Charmin Go Nation Representative!!
I was doing some research and it turns out that the Charmin brand is a branch in the family tree of a bunch of other products that I love!
I remember when I was a kid, I heard that it was guaranteed that every bar of Ivory soap floats in the bathtub, and if it didn't you would win something. So I remember I would always test every bar just to see if I was a winner! :)
Also when I was a kid, I remember learning how to make a duck face using 2 Pringles chips.
What a fun way to enjoy a delicious treat!
If you look at my photo here on my profile, you might recognize the Covergirl Aquasmooth foundation and Cheekers blush, which I have been wearing daily for the last couple of years.
The blush is a perfect match (I also use it for my upper layer of eyeshadow) and the foundation keeps my complexion looking fabulous.
I can literally go on and on for hours about all of the products I use which are brothers, sisters, and cousins of Charmin!
It wasn't until I did a little bit of research... I saw the list.. and I was like "Hey, I use that.. and that.. and that.. and that.. and that!" LOL It was pretty awesome.
But, I figured I would just mention a couple of funny tidbits, rather than listing EVERYTHING :)
Needless to say, I'm really happy to be welcomed into a family that I have grown up with, known, and loved for my entire life! Thank you!! :)
I hope to fulfill my responsibility as a Go Nation Representative in the best way possible, and to make Florida, Charmin, and everybody involved proud of my sincere efforts.
Cristy S.
Charmin Go Nation Representative
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Viiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrginians! a little holiday tip!

For those of you trying to plan last minute holiday trips-- let me suggest NYC its great even if its just a day trip! While there-- be sure to stop by the charmin restrooms in times square-- i know that sounds weird but its truly awesome place they've got there. Here's a pic of me there in 2008/2009
It is Winter in Maine
Monday, December 6, 2010
Charmin Oregon Wants Oregonians to Really Enjoy the Go!
I'm sorry it's been a week since my last post. Did you miss me? I missed each and every one of you. All 3,825,657 of you.
Where have I been? Well, I was in rehearsals all last week for a production of "A Christmas Carol" and didn't have any time to do anything except go to work during the day and go to rehearsals at night to be ready for our opening last Saturday. And what it really reminded me of was how important it is to "Enjoy the Go!" No, really! You see, the only time I had to myself was in the bathroom. There, I could take a deep breath, gather my thoughts and take a load off...literally. Seriously though, I know I take for granted the time I have in the bathroom to do all of those things. And who knows, perhaps that's why all living creatures have to relieve themselves - not only to do their business but also to take a breath before heading back into the thick of things. So, the next time you're in the bathroom, really take the time to "Enjoy the Go." You not only will clear your bladder and bowels but maybe, you'll clear your head too.
PS - Don't forget to send in those bathroom photos and hit that like button on Facebook! :)
Bored at work: The 5 Stages of Realizing That Ur School Tissue Sucks!!!

Strange Weather in Maine
On my days off this week I have so much planned, bathrooms to visit, Charmin to stack and throw, not away, just practicing throwing it, in case I make it New York I want to be ready. Thank you so much fellow Mainiacs for all the help you've given me through this. Keep up the good work and maybe, just maybe we'll see you in New York. GO MAINE GO
ILLINOIS is in the lead!
VIRGINIA- Sooon all will come to light
Just dropping in to remind you to keep your eyes open for the awesome toilets of Virginia and to snap a photo and send it in (instructions on the charmin enjoy the go site)
if you work in the media or press in Virginia- and want to cover the run for King and Queen of Charmin-- feel free to write about me!!! that's also part of the contest!
Hello South Carolina!!
Let the games begin!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Nor'ester Headed for Maine
Now Maine won't let this snow storm slow us down, we have pictures to take ( Don't forget I really need to find the most amazing bathrooms in our great state ) and send them to Charmin asap. Also looking into a few other things. The ideas are pouring in from old and new friends all over the state, keep it up guys and gals I love the ideas!! GO MAINE GO
Toilet Seat Challenge
That's it for now,
Americus A.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tired but Still Pumped in Maine
Go Nebraska!
South Dakota for the win!
I hope I get to go to NYC and see how the SD restroom is decorated! Now its time to find the best Bathroom in the universe. One of my friends claims the rest area outside of Chamberlain, SD, is the best bathroom in the state, if not the world.
While it looks like a cool rest area...I am guessing the restroom is your basic rest area bathroom....probably not the best toilet in the universe....the search continues....
Falling Snow, Heaven on Earth.
As Children, my sister Katherine (Kathy as she came to be called) and I would create our own Winter Wonderland of Snow with Charmin's finest. Covering our "Christmas Tree", Creating our own version of the Alps, building Igloo cities where TP Snowmen dwelled...until our architectural wonder works came to a screeching, you might even say screaming halt: "Where in the Hell is the damn toilet paper!!!? This was clearly a clue, hinted at by my Father's danger filled, disapproving default tone of voice, to run away, get some fresh air & play outside...or, die.
Kathy the PhD, & I, always Lovers of Life, took to high tailing, high stepping our way towards the high road of survival.
In our Kingdom, we play acted our future roles as King & Queen on a daily basis. Using all material at hand as our tools of the trade. Discarded toilet paper roll=Knights dagger. Wounds created by dagger, wrapped & tended by my soon to be Doctor Sister, with even more of the white wonder stuff found so plentifully in our Fathers "Office". "Imagination is more Important than knowledge". Whathisname.
If you ever run into my sister ask her share her story about the imaginative/medical uses of Electricians/Scotch tape, it is a real knee slapper. Next Post: "The PhD & Punctuation..."
Thanks for Your Time,
Gotta Go...
Friday, December 3, 2010
33 hours & going strong!
Piscataquis Times in Maine
"It's Good to be Alive...Ode to Joy"
When I was I child I sincerely sought out the finest most beautiful bathrooms as a means to my own peculiar end. It's True. I lived in simple surroundings and I wanted to elevate my imaginings to the Heavens. Why not. To see the possibilities unfold before me awakened a longing to create my own Sanctuary. Look, if a Woman's/Man's Home is his/her castle, then the most private of private places should reflect the best that the King/Queen have to offer. Why do you think we call it the Throne? It is the one seat in the house that allows us to be ourselves; equals, for better or for worse, Human. Yes, potty humour has it's place in the kingdom, but why not raise the bar a wee bit? We can trace our ancestors evolution from hand, rock, bark, bush, Sears & Roebuck, backwoods bidet, slop jar, corn husk, fur ball, snow ball, wonder wheel, etc. Let's get real, Charmin Good, Bacteria Bad.
Thanks for Your Time,
Gotta Go...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mississippi Rabbits Rooting for Charmin
Show off your awesome Mississippi bathrooms!
What You Can Do:
Submit photos of the best bathrooms in your state/district See Official Rules for photo submission guidelines.
Worth: Up to 250 points (50 points for top 10; 200 additional points for winner)
Time Period: 11/22/10–12/17/10
Our judges will rate the photos. The top 10 will receive 50 points, and the winner will receive 200 points.
Judging Criteria:
- Cleanliness—50%
- Equipment Enhancements—25%
- Unique Decor—25%
- All photos submitted may be no larger than 20 MB and must be in one of the following file formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif.
- Photos may not include any people or logos. All photos must adhere to allSubmission Guidelines included in this Contest.
Enjoying the Go :)
Stress Free Maine
Bottom Line, Gettin Cheeky with it...
Thanks for your Time, Gotta Go...
CHARMIN KANSAS says "Curl up with Charmin!"
Pennsylvania is finishing up the seat
Charmin Go Nation- VIRGINIA!
We are 15 days away from the "points gathering" part of the competition drawing to a close!
So far I am plugging away to think of how to get to VA to the finals in NYC. There are several ways for you all to help out and I hope if you have a little extra time in the day - you will!
Wishing you a happy holiday season!
Dan F.
Let's "Enjoy the Go" NJ
Submit photos of the best bathrooms in your state/district to Official Rules for photo submission guidelines.Worth: Up to 250 points (50 points for top 10; 200 additional points for winner)Time Period: 11/22/10–12/17/10Our judges will rate the photos. The top 10 will receive 50 points, and the winner will receive 200 points.Judging Criteria:Cleanliness—50%Equipment Enhancements—25%Unique Decor—25%Photo Guidelines:All photos submitted may be no larger than 20 MB and must be in one of the following file formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif.Photos may not include any people or logos. All photos must adhere to all Submission Guidelines included in this Contest.
Good Luck everyone!
Americus A
NJ Representative
Let's see those bathrooms, Nebraska!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Just getting starting!
Georgetown Delaware "Seat of Justice"
Saw my first Snowflake of the season today. Perfect. 24 November, Thanksgiving Eve.
Picked up my Father's ring in the town Circle & was amazed at my Good Fortune...
My Father, David Louis Ruge was a simple man with an earthy sense of humour. He loved his newspaper & very long stretches of "private" time in our families bathroom. We spanned several generations in that brownstone; Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Father, Sister & myself. (Not to mention the endless hordes of relatives, friends, & guests malingering endlessly)
As you might imagine, this meant competition was fierce for the singular sensation of Go. Because of the intense demand, Power & Mystery surrounded that one room more than perhaps any other in our Home. You could say that the reason I now seek the Perfect Throne myself is due to those many years in Exile awaiting my turn to Reign.
My search manifested itself early on, by the age of 8, I had amassed a fairly extensive vocabulary of local & not so local restaurants, hotels, office buildings, bars, or any other fine establishment that had it's own private necessary room. It became a quest for me to find the perfect place to rest my will & become at ease with the magnificent duty that was mine. Assume the Throne. Destiny, Destiny there's no other way for me...I'd mumble to myself as my eyes rolled by in my head & I fumbled for the Sacred Charmin Parchment that would wipe away all doubt that this was indeed My Throne, My Destiny...
Thanks for Your Time, I gotta go...
Maine Needs Your Bathrooms!!
America's Best BathroomsWhat You Can Do:
Submit photos of the best bathrooms in your state/district to
See Official Rules for photo submission guidelines.Worth: Up to 250 points (50 points for top 10; 200 additional points for winner)
Time Period: 11/22/10–12/17/10
Our judges will rate the photos. The top 10 will receive 50 points, and the winner will receive 200 points.
Judging Criteria:
Equipment Enhancements—25%
Unique Decor—25%
Photo Guidelines:
All photos submitted may be no larger than 20 MB and must be in one of the following file formats: .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif.
Photos may not include any people or logos. All photos must adhere to all Submission Guidelines included in this Contest.
A Day Off in Maine
The only bad thing of this whole crazy day is the fact that I didn't get my "comfort" time. No time to stop when there are so many fun things to do on your day off. Get up, get started and tackle the day head on. So all my friends I wish you a great night and more relaxing day tomorrow. Remember Charmin in the bathroom is your slice of comfort, so enjoy.
I wanted to wish everyone the best of luck and best wishes. I just finished designing my toilet seat and it goes out tomorrow.
I look forward to seeing which ones made the finals.
Anway, gotta go to sleep on my charmin bed......yes a charmin bed made entirely of toilet paper.
Charmin Go Nation- VIRGINIA DECEMBER 1
While you are out and about- if you happen upon UNUSUAL, UNIQUE, AWESOME OR STRANGE bathrooms--- be sure to take a picture and email it in to Charmin. That's just another way to push VA further along in the competition! Submit photos of the best bathrooms in your state/district to There are rules to the photos and and must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on 12/17/2010. More details on the GO NATION website!
Thanks Virginians!