Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The power of your friends. (WA)

If I could stop laughing, this would go a lot faster.

-Its the power of my friends.

If I hesitated for one moment in asking for their help, they showed me in a matter of minutes how wrong I was.

-Its the power of my friends.

If I felt for one second, that I didn't have the confidence to pull this off, and be a great Charmin spokesperson, I would turn to them.

-Its the power of my friends

If I could turn toilet paper into the the trending topic of my texts for the today, and be absolutely serious about it by the time I'm done explaining.

-Its the power of my friends.

If there is one thing that you can absolutely never deny about Washington State and all it has to offer....

.... it's the power of your friends.

Special thanks to Chris, Christina, Colleen, Jason, Matty, Katy, Kendra and Lee. You were the first ones to make me laugh and the reason that I am going to dive into this with all my energy! Can't wait to represent you guys! :-D

CHARMIN KANSAS has got you Covered!

Enjoy the Go With Me!

My 1st Reaction to Becoming the Rep for Washington DC was one of Shock! I was more than excited to Hold My City down and Represent Everything DC.

So I ventured Out to get more supplies to decorate & complete My Toilet Seat cover! I found some great pieces that really represent Washington DC well.

I know my City will Love it! I gave them a very flavorful vision of what My Great City of DC has to offer..!

Now I continue on to the remaining task at Hand.....

Becoming the King of Charmin!



Today is the day folks! Show me some lovin' and "LIKE" the Charmin Facebook page! If we get the most "LIKES" in the nation from Virginia-- I am one step closer to being a finalist and Virginia is one step closer to getting the spotlight it deserves!

Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and I will keep checking in with ya!

Maine Conversations

Am I having fun with this contest?!! Yes!! What a way to reconnect with friends. So many have seen my posts about this contest, so in turn we get to have long conversations. Talking about toilet paper I think used to be a hush hush subject. And we should all thank Charmin for changing that! Everyone goes, usually everyday, if not then that's a whole new conversation and not a very comfortable one. (for the person who hasn't gone!) But this contest has given me the chance to catch up with people who sometimes we just pass each other with a "Hi, how are you" "I'm fine" clip. Friends are a lifeline, we all need them and if you're like me, a crazy sort of person, it's so much fun discuss your "ENJOY THE GO" with your friends!! Keep it up Charmin, I love being the Representative for my great STATE of Maine!! Thank you!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Charmin Oregon Says Hello!

Hi! My name is Elizabeth and I am proud to say that I am the Oregon State Representative of the Charmin Go Nation! This is my first time blogging...I know, right? Where have I been? Well, I've been "enjoying the go" -- What have YOU been doing?

I grew up in Portland, Oregon and am so excited to be representing Oregon in this competition. But, I can't do it alone so Oregonians -- I need your help! First, if you're on Facebook, please "like" the Charmin Facebook page. Also, if you have a picture of a great bathroom in the state of Oregon, please email it to enjoythego@dja.com.

Thanks in advance for your help -- Now, I'm off to decorate my toilet seat. And no, that's not a euphemism.

Have a great night and don't forget to enjoy the go!

Elizabeth :)

Wisconsin WooHoo!

I went to the audition for the Charmin Enjoy the Go contest and I was told to have fun and that's what I did. I had loads of fun! I prayed and asked God to give me the words to say and he did.

It went something like this...I enjoy the go because I want to go and relax and not worry about my surroundings, just want to listen to my iPod or read a magazine or two.

It's not about me and it's not about you, IT'S about enjoying the GO! GO! GO! GO!

I received an email and then a phone call from the Charmin Representative telling me that I was chosen to represent the great state of Wisconsin.

I will represent the cheese state with poise and honor, because it's not about me and it's not about you, it's about enjoying the GO!


Sweet Home Alabama, Enjoys The Go!

I got the call Friday, November 12th around 8:30 in the morning. Now, I believe that the early bird catches the worm and I was already on the hunt. I had just finished my morning workout and I was feeling like the day was off to a really good start when my phone rang

... Ring. Ring, Ringgggg...

Now the only people that call me this early in the morning are my mom and my cell phone company when I forget to pay my bill. So, when I looked at my phone and saw a New York area code I was completely surprised. I'm thinking to myself, 'Hmmmmmm, whose this calling from New York? Should I answer or just let it go to voice mail?". After about four rings I decided to answer the phone and boy am I glad I did!!! Here's how the convo went....

Me: Hi, this is Iris. (If I don't know who is calling me I answer the phone this way. It makes me feel all professional.)

Caller: Hi, this is _______ . ( I can not for the life of me remember the lovely lady's name who called me :'-(

Me: Good Morning, _______. (Still can't remember ;-/)

Caller: A few weeks ago you submitted a video entry to become Alabama's Go Nation Representative

Me: Yesssss.....

Caller: Well, I am calling to tell you that you are one of the finalist...

Me: (Inside voice: "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!")

Caller: We have sent you an email with some forms attached that we need you to read over, print off, get notarized, and email back to us.

Me: Of course! (Inside voice: Where is my pen? Can't find my Pen! Okay, Iris just calm down and STALL!)

Me: Okay..(Pause)... Great..(Pause)... Awesome...(Pause)....I can do that..(Pause)..Yes...(Pause)....May I ask you a quick question?....(Inside voice: WHERE IS MY PEN!)

Caller: Yes, of course.

Me: .....(Pause)......When are the forms due? (Yes, that was the best I could come up with)

Caller: As soon as possible, but no later than Monday Nov. 15th.

Me: Okay, I can do that! No, problem. (Inside voice: By Monday? Ekk, Do Notaries even work on the weekend?)

Caller: If you have any question you can call myself or Brianne back at this number......

Me: Okay, Great! (Still looking for my pen)

Caller: Also, everything that we discussed is included in the email we sent to you.

Me: Wonderful!

And that's how my Enjoy The Go journey began. Check back soon for pictures and video footage of my "Enjoy the Go" adventures.

I never did find that pen :-D

Enjoy The Go!


New Jersey Represent!!!

Hey Everyone,

This is Americus A. Your Charmin Go Nation Representative of New Jersey. I hope to get your support in this endeavor. I will be looking to the people of the Garden State to help me become King of the Charmin Go Nation! I auditioned back in the end of October in Los Angeles and found out that I was selected to represent NJ. I am a security officer, an actor, and a Sumo Wrestler. I am big, strong, and cuddly, same as Charmin. Who else to represent like a Sumo Wrestler to be King and "Enjoy the Go". Good luck to the other state reps! I am on facebook, twitter, and myspace.


How crazy is this going to get?

So are we going to start talking about pooping or what? I think I am charmin's best customer. I think i am going to make a poopumentry, documenting my travels through Central America. I also think they should make a charmin commercial where some people happen upon the charmin bear in the woods taking a poo, the family looks at each other and there like,"awww sooo cute". And then the bear gets up and eats em! Then the caption says, "don't watch a bear poop you idiot!" And then it flashes a charmin logo a couple times or something.

Maine Celebrates the Season

On my facebook page I just read an event I was invited to. I think the whole world should be invited so maybe through the word of internet we will get most folks to join us. Here it is:

Time: Wednesday, December 1st 7:00am to 8:30 PM
Location: Everywhere
Tis the Season! A random act of kindness goes a long way so...
Pay it Forward!!!
What can you do?
on Dec 1st...
*Pay for someone's cup of coffee...
*Buy someone some groceries...
* Get the next person's gas...
* Help someone out...
* Donate something....
* Be creative!!
When you do something for someone there's a good chance they'll do something for someone else. If not, at least you've done a good deed for someone.
So on Dec. 1st share some kindness and spread some joy!! It can be as little as a few dollars or as much as you want. No one needs to know!
Join us won't you?

So I think we should all plan on joining this event, for the good of the world. Just think if everyone on your Facebook friends list participated... WOW the world would explode with good deeds for the day!!
As the State Representative for Maine I will enjoy every minute of this event, making the world, our little piece here in Maine just a little bit better!!

Florida in the house!!

What's up everybody? How are ya'll doing today??

I hope you are enjoying your Monday. I certainly am.
I just got my login information for this blog!!

I'm so excited about this whole thing!!

I really don't know what else to share right now, except that I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and that I am truly grateful for this experience.

I'm looking forward to getting more comfortable with this whole "blogging" thing and will be posting more stuff soon, for sure.
If there is an option to comment, please do, and let me know what's going on.

We can do this team!! Florida!! Let's gooooo!! :)

Have a beautiful day!

Cristy :)

CHARMIN GO NATION - State of Virginia

Hello my fellow Virginians!
My name is Dan F. and I was chosen by Charmin to represent the great state of Virginia! I was born and raised in Fairfax County and attended Oak Hill elementary, Crossfield Elementary, Franklin Middle School and Oakton High school! I love our state and want to be the KING OF CHARMIN to show just how great we are nationwide! On the Charmin page you will see all the ways you can help me get to the next round! Please step up to the challenge and I will step up to be KING of Charmin!

Pennsylvania Rep tells the truth!

I can't believe it! Telling the truth and not being wacky-tastic got me here. Can this all be really happening just because I love Charmin? IT IS! Woohoo!

So here is the story that is fit to print. My husband says I'm an "Over sharer" meaning, I am overly honest about myself and perhaps people don't want to know all that, you know? But this time, yep, they do!

So here is how it all went down:

I had to answer 3 questions regarding Charmin.

1. Why should I be a Charmin "Go Nation" Representative
2. What does the phrase "Enjoy the Go" mean to me?
3. How would I represent the Charmin Go Nation for my state, if chosen.

I looked around the room and noticed people with guitars, toilet paper rolls in their hands and dancing... it was nutty. I thought to myself, "I better come up with something wacky and fast!" but then I took a beat, I use Charmin. I've used Charmin for as long as I can remember... why is that? Well, when I was younger, I had a lot of problems, allergic problems with my skin. My skin is over sensitive, to this day. My Mother, was taking me to doctors, trying to figure out what to do and then, in 1986, my life changed. Charmin unscented came on the market that year and my allergic reactions stopped. Charmin, literally, changed my life! I decided to just go in and tell them the truth.

I told them my story. I told them, "Enjoy the go" means to me I can do just that, enjoy the go, that I never have to worry about pain or health consequences when I use Charmin Unscented. I should represent Charmin for the state of PA because I'm super fun and wacky and funny, but most of all, I just wanted to thank them, for changing my life. I got a little choked up and then said a sincere, "Thank You Charmin". It was all so strange. It's certainly not a story I'd ever told anyone. I mean, who wants to talk about something like that?

I figured out, I've been using Charmin for over 24 years. How crazy is that? All through college and even now, Charmin, just Charmin. NEVER anything else. How crazy. I love the stuff! Woohoo!

Weeks went by, and then, I got a call from New York. I got picked to represent the state of Pennsylvania for the Charmin Go Nation and I will do so proudly!

So now I need your help Pennsylvania. I need pictures of amazingly, fantastical, unique, candy woohoo hooray awesome bathrooms in P.A. and I need peeps from P.A. to "like" Charmin's Facebook page www.facebook.com/charmin

I can't wait to see how all this plays out and I thank you Pennsylvania Charmin Nation! Enjoy the Go kittens! Meow!

Charmin Contest- Nebraska

I'm so happy to be representing Nebraska in the Charmin Enjoy the Go contest. I think Nebraska is the perfect state to represent Charmin. Let's really show them our Midwest hospitality and fun spirit! Nebraskans, don't forget to Like the Charmin page on Facebook. :)

Maine Mistakes

So my friends I made a mistake with the location of this blog. I recieved an email today telling me this is my blog site. So now if you wouldn't mind going back and reposting anything you had posted on the other one.. I would love it. I told you I was new to this blogging thing...haha. You learn from your mistakes and I will learn more about this before the contest is over. Thank you for your continued support. GO MAINE GO!!

Maine Representative

(Written on Sunday November 28, 2010 on my other blog )

If you didn't know I am on Facebook at least twice a day, just to see what my friends are up to. On Nov. 4th over on the right side of Facebook was little ad that said "Enter the Charmin Enjoy the Go Contest" , so I clicked. On the 5th I went hunting and during the rainy part of the day I made a little video to enter the contest. On the 6th I emailed it in. On the 15th they called, I had an affidavit notarized and sent it back. On the 22nd it was announced I was the STATE OF MAINE REPRESENTATIVE for the Charmin Go Nation Contest... How do you ENJOY THE GO?
So the fun begins... If I am one of the 5 states to earn the most points by Dec. 17th, then I get to go to New York and play some games against the other 4 winners. In order to get points: they will give points to the state who has the most Facebook user who "LIKE" the Charmin Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/charmin
So here I am in need of all Mainiacs to please "LIKE" this page. Thanks ahead of time.
Another way to help is this blog. I've never done this before so it's a great learning experience. If you become a follower, I think, and write comments every now and again, I think this helps me too.
But overall it helps the STATE OF MAINE.. us Mainiacs are doing our best to win.
The comfortable life we have in this state, the way life should be...us...Charmin...yup!!

Saturdays in Maine

( Written Saturday November 27, 2010 on my other blog)

So how do you all spend your Saturdays in Maine? Today was cold, a little snowy mix and the day after Black Friday. Some I feel slept in, caught up on their sleep from their shopping adventure the day before. Just stayed at home because it was a cold day. Not where I was working though, everyone came out today, it was a busy day, the last day of the sales week. Oh well, it was a good day.

Maine Winter Wonderland

( Written Friday November 26, 2010 on my other blog)

Today we had snow, just a little but enough to call it winter. Now the sun is shining, making everything bright and wonderful!! My grandson come into the world at 11:35 PM our time last night, made it for Thanksgiving Day! But Japan time it was 1:35 PM the 26th. So he'll have 2 birthdays, that's ok with me.
Once again I will thank Charmin for giving me this opportunity to "blog" which I may never have done prior to this contest. It's a great way to put my thoughts out there, so I may go back and read them later, to remember what great days I have in this wonderful State of Maine.. Go Maine!!

Maine Expands

(Written Thursday November 25, 210 on my other blog)

Labor started yesterday and now they are in the final moments before my first grandchild is born. Josh, my son and Julie his wife are stationed in Japan, Josh is a MR1 on the USS George Washington. He's in his 10th year in the Navy. His wife Julie is originally from California, but I do believe she has adopted Maine as her new home, she loves the Patriots and the Red Sox!! So finally the time has come to add a new member to the Maine State, their son Blake Edward will be born soon, and I as the Gramma am so wicked excited!! I wish I could be there with them, but I already have plans to go see them in February and I am so looking forward to this trip! What a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for me, I have so much to be thankful for and now even more.
I thank Charmin for giving me this space to blog about my life. And I am also thankful for Charmin for having this contest which is giving me such a good time. I love talking with my friends and family about this contest. I love the little points contest we are doing, it is such a good way to meet new poeple, talk to our old friends and just get out and be alive. Comfortable easy living ,, here in Maine. Thanks everyone!!

Thanksgiving in Maine

(Written on Thursday November 25, 2010 on my other blog)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone from Maine!! I do hope everyone is safe today, whether you are driving or hunting or just staying home and eating. I have a lot to be Thankful for today, I have a job, a warm place to call home, friend and family I love and who love me back, great children ( with my First Grandchild on his way, hopefully not today and now I am the State of Maine Representative for the great product of Charmin Toilet Paper!! What a super life I have !! All the comforts life have to offer. Maine, the way life should be, Charmin, comfort...thank you all for any and all help you have given me!

Friends of Facebook like Maine!

(Written on Wednesday November 24, 2010 on my other blog)

I am amazed at the support of the Facebook Family!! You guys are all so great. Getting so many LIKES for the Charmin site was scaring me, but you all are re posting it to your pages and it is spreading like wildfire. The Facebook Challenge goes until Dec. 17th, so please keep it going. The State of Maine appreciates your "LIKES". Isn't this a fun contest? I stumbled upon it one day while on Facebook, and look where it has taken me! One more time, thank you for all you are doing to help the State of Maine!!

Maine the Way Life Should Be

(Written on Tuesday November 23, 2010 on my other blog)

So I am still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing, so far it's going, not good or bad.
Maine is a wonderful state, full of friendly laid back folks who care about each other. We are comfortable, like a well worn shoe? Like a favorite pair of jammies?? No more like Charmin Toilet Paper. Soft, comfortable and yes dependable. So I do hope you all out there are in favor of Maine being the overall representative for the Charmin Go Nation Contest. Send in photo's of your great bathrooms, the email address is on the Charmin Go Nation Website. I would love to know there are some real special bathrooms out there in Maine worth photographing!!!


Hey All!

My name is Tina and I'm representing KANSAS in the Charmin Go Nation Contest. I'm so excited about this unique and fun opportunity to represent my home state in the competition...I almost don't know where to begin! For all of you who are unfamiliar with this contest, Charmin did a nation wide search to find candidates who best embodied the "Enjoy the Go" spirit. After all... we all GO! For me, growing up in Kansas with my family, and now in this difficult economy, sometimes you find that one thing can have many uses...such as Charmin! So Enjoying the Go is really about embracing the whole bathroom experience with Charmin taking center stage, as the best bathroom accessory. It's not just for your tush anymore...Head to toe, Charmin has got you covered!

Low and behold this is a competition and there are several rounds to be won before you are crowned King or Queen of Charmin. After being selected, the representatives have until December 10th to round up all of their state wide supporters to accumulate points. For me, as Charmin Kansas, I'm asking Kansans for your support!

If you would like to help, it's really very simple:
  1. You can "Like" the Charmin "Enjoy the Go" Facebook page between now and 12/17/2010 for the Facebook Challenge.
  2. If you have an extraordinary Kansas Bathroom picture, you can submit it on Kansas' behalf for the America's Best Bathroom section of the contest for points to the overall competition.
I'll be searching for great bathrooms as well as contacting Media outlets for the Great State Media Competition portion and decorating a toilet seat full of Kansas pride for the Toilet Seats of America portion.

The top 5 representatives with the most points will then be sent to New York City at the end of the year to compete for the Grand Prize of $50,000 and be awarded the King or Queen of Charmin, who will then preside over the Charmin Bathrooms in New York City for the last few days of the year, representing their state (hopefully Kansas) the whole time!

Well folks, Keep checking back... I've got some really fun and interesting ideas and suggestions to make your Going experience Enjoyable using Charmin as the Number 1 bathroom accessory and I'd love to share them with all of you out there!

Enjoy the Go,
Tina B.
Charmin Go Nation Representative for Kansas